The Monster Squad
The Monster Squad is a kids’ horror-comedy-adventure film released in 1987. The movie was directed by Fred Dekker, who also brought us Night of the...
Burger King Universal Monsters Figures
I was way too old to be buying a Burger King Kid’s Meal in 1997 (or so I thought), so these 3.75″ Universal Monster figures...
Monster Cereal Collection
When I was a little kid, I would only occasionally get to have sugary cereal for breakfast. I mainly survived on Rice and Corn Chex,...
Crestwood House Monsters Books
Since we’re coming up on Halloween, I thought it was about time I share one of the spookiest parts of my pop culture collection, the...
RePlay ReView – Jukeboxes
For this entry of RePlay ReView, we’re looking at what truly was cutting edge stuff in 1986/1987 – compact discs, video tapes, and Laserdisc –...
RePlay ReView – Pinball Machines Pt. 2
Last time on RePlay ReView, we looked at some of the top pinball machines of 1986/1987! This time, we’re wrapping up the magazine’s coverage of...
RePlay ReView – Pinball Machines Pt. 1
Welcome to the first installment of my new series, RePlay ReView, where I’ll be going through the September 1987 issue of RePlay Magazine and presenting...
RePlay Magazine – September 1987
I walked up to the counter at the antique mall with my Batman bank and a pack of Japanese Pokemon cards for my son. There...
Sectaurs: Invasion of Skall Island Read-Along Record Book
Today, I have a pretty obscure record for you, based on a pretty obscure toy line from the 1980s’ called Sectaurs. Origins Sectaurs was the...
Ewoks: The Battle for Endor Read-Along Record Book
Today I have for you the read-along record book of Ewoks: The Battle for Endor, the made-for-TV sequel to Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure. ...