Star Wars Micro Collection
In the summer of 1982, Star Wars toys were in a bit of a holding pattern. The Empire Strikes Back had been released in 1980...

Star Wars – Imperial Troop Transporter
My very first Star Wars toys were a handful of action figures that I received on Christmas morning when I was about three years old....

Star Wars Figure Cards (Part 3)
Previously… Star Wars CardsThe Empire Strikes Back Cards And so we come to Return of the Jedi cards… I don’t know why, but I have...

Star Wars Figure Cards (Part 2)
As I said last time, I have quite a few Empire card backs that have survived the decades, so here they are! It’s kind of...

Star Wars Figure Cards (Part 1)
I was a weird kid. While most of my peers were ripping into new Star Wars action figures and immediately throwing away the plastic bubbles...

Star Wars – Jumbo McQuarrie Darth Vader Figure
OK, so this isn’t vintage, but I thought you all might still like to see my Gentle Giant Ralph McQuarrie Darth Vader concept art jumbo...

Star Wars – AT-ST
Today, let’s take a look at the AT-ST, affectionately known as The Chicken Walker, from 1983. The All-Terrain Scout Transport made its first appearance during...

Star Wars – Ewok Family Hut
When the Star Wars trilogy concluded in 1983, Kenner and Lucasfilm decided Ewoks should be the thing to keep the merchandise ball rolling, so an...

Star Wars – Darth Vader Action Figure Case
Today I bring you one of the most iconic items from the original Star Wars toyline. No, it’s not the Millennium Falcon, or the X-Wing,...