Cloak & Dagger Atari Cartridge
When I was a kid, we didn’t have cable TV, because we lived out in the country. My aunt and uncle, who lived on the...
RePlay Magazine – September 1987
I walked up to the counter at the antique mall with my Batman bank and a pack of Japanese Pokemon cards for my son. There...
The Story of Asteroids Read-Along Record Book
When you look at video games today, it’s hard to imagine that a game built around shooting space rocks would have taken the world by...
Worlds of Power Books
It seems like getting young boys to read is an eternal struggle for book publishers. They’ve tried many gimmicks, including gamebooks like Choose Your Own...
Arby’s Pac-Man Glass
I’ve been on a collectible glasses kick lately and, during an eBay search, I happened upon this sweet Pac-Man glass from 1980. After doing a...
Aladdin’s Castle Tokens
Growing up, my family’s house and my aunt and uncle’s house were on the same plot of land on the old family homestead. According to...
Wildfire Pinball
Wildfire was an electronic pinball game introduced in 1979 by Parker Brothers, the makers of the hit handheld game, Merlin. Both games were created by...
Donkey Kong Record
Here’s another Kid Stuff record from my collection, Donkey Kong, from 1983! And little did I know there’s a connection to my hometown area with...
Atari E.T. Instruction Manual
Growing up, I didn’t have an Atari. My cousins did, so I played theirs all the time. For Christmas, they got the infamous ET for...