Firefly, a dune buggy that converts into a rocket-powered glider, was first released in 1986 as part of the second wave of M.A.S.K. toys. Firefly was piloted by Julio “Doc” Lopez, who wore the Streamer Mask that was capable of firing a super sticky glue to entrap V.E.N.O.M. agents and their vehicles.

According to, Firefly retailed for $7.99, which would be the equivalent of about $23 today. Honestly, that’s still a really good price for a vehicle and a figure, considering the average price of a new 3.75″ Star Wars figure is about $17 today.
Firefly was always one of my favorite M.A.S.K. vehicles. Like Jackhammer, I feel like this one did a pretty good job of hiding its alternate mode in a toy car you could actually play with. The flaps on the front not closing very tightly gives it away, but I’m not sure most people would guess that the bottom of the buggy split open to form wings and the back wheels would become jet engines. It’s a pretty effective design.

Unfortunately, I don’t have the box for Firefly anymore. However, I do still have the “Super Stun Atomizer” bomb that is stored in the buggy’s undercarriage. Because that small of a piece would frequently be lost by kids, the bomb alone goes for about $20 on eBay. And, for the most part, mine is in pretty good shape – the stickers are all there (although some are a little worn or starting to peel), the tires haven’t split, and the spring-loaded wings still pop out like new. Not bad for being almost 40 years old.
The cartoon voice for Julio Lopez’s character is Graeme McKenna, who also did the voice for T-Bob.
I did not know that! Pretty cool!